News & Press
Another man’s treasure: In Crozet, a farmhouse emerges from ruin – C-Ville Abode

Photo by Christian Hommel Story by Erika Howsare Back in the winter of 2012, the Mayan calendar supposedly predicted the end of the world. That didn’t happen, but big changes were about to come to one little farmhouse in Crozet. After years of neglect, it was totally obscured from view by vegetation. “You needed a hedge […]
Home sweet sweeter: How to upgrade a home that’s move-in ready – C-Ville Abode

Photo by Christian Hommel Story by C-Ville Writers Some houses hit the market in already-beautiful condition. Still, there’s always room for improvement. Ned Ormsby of Lithic Construction gave us his expert opinion on how to take a lovely Belmont house to the next level. 333 Monticello Rd. $480,000 MLS# 515229 This is a solid brick house […]
James River Green Building Council – Architect calls for preservation and reuse of historic buildings
By Courtney Beale Charlottesville Tomorrow Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Environmental protection through stewardship of historical buildings was the message of Jean Carroon’s presentation to the James River Green Building Council on Tuesday. “Stewardship is the heart of the environmental movement,” Carroon said. “The only way we can really take care of nature is by taking […]
Nimmo House featured in article on Green / Rehabilitation Tax Credits

Historically green: A guide to rehabilitation tax credits By Dave McNair | Published online 5:05am Thursday Jul 14th, 2011 and in print issue #1028 dated Thursday Jul 14th, 2011 Back in 2007, the historic Nimmo House on Hartman’s Mill Road was in rough shape. Photo by Dave McNair But thanks to Preservation Piedmont and […]
Lithic Construction’s Ned Ormsby presents at Charlottesville seminar on straw bale homes
Homes Made Out of Straw Make a Comeback reported by Kasey Hott Posted: Jul 12, 2011 5:45 PM EDT <br /> Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:45 PM EST<br /> The presentation was sponsored by the James River Green Building Council On Tuesday close to 50 people attended a Charlottesville seminar which focused on straw bale […]
Cville Abode Cover article – October 2009: As an oak grows

How a builder crafted his own home, the slow and steady way – an excerpt from the original article. BY KATHERINE LUDWIG It’s a well-known phenomenon, and Thomas Jefferson was a prime example: builders, carpenters and architects whose own homes are perpetual projects. Like a chef too tired to cook his own dinner, those who […]
2009 Planning Award for Sustainable Development

On March 10, the City of Charlottesville’s Planning Commission awarded its 2009 Award for Outstanding Sustainable Development to the 208 Hartman’s Mill Road Project. The award was given to all three parties who helped save the historic Nimmo house— Linda and Howard Carey, the homeowners; Aaron Wunsch, the architectural historian; and Lithic Construction, the […]
Galley Goes on the Road

Lithic’s prototype tiny house (actually a kitchen on wheels) will be travelling this spring. The first stop is the Blue Ridge Homebuilders’ Association Home and Garden Show at John Paul Jones Arena on April 10, 11, and 12. The second stop is the Eco Fair at the Charlottesville Pavilion on April 18th. For more information […]
Alec Cargile to speak for 2009 Preservation Week
Alec Cargile of Lithic Construction and Brian Broadus of Commonwealth Architects will speak on April 9th from 6 to 8 PM at the Charlottesville Community Design Center. In the talk “Historic Structures and Sustainability: Case Studies and Discussion,” Alec will describe the award-winning Hartman’s Mill project, and show before-and-after photos. For more information, visit […]
Lithic Construction’s Michael Courts to speak at GreenMatters
How to Grow it Green Tips on how to build green additions and blend them into existing structures. Will also focus on renovation steps to green your existing structure. Speakers:Michael Courts (Lithic Construction) and Terry Herndon (Upstream Construction) Refreshment Sponsor:The Savvy Sleeper and Fabulous Foods GreenMatters is a two-year series of workshops designed to help […]
A Builder’s Take on Green Building

Green building is the attempt to holistically structure the building process so that the relationships between the site itself, the design, and the team of builders combine to produce an end result that performs its given function in a sustainable fashion, that is beautiful or at least aesthetically appropriate, and is either enduring or recyclable. […]
APVA/Preservation Virginia “2007 Private Preservation Project of the Year” Award for Hartman’s Mill Project
The 2007 Private Preservation Project of the Year Award was awarded to Howard G. Carey and Linda M. Carey for their restoration of the James D. Nimmo House on Hartman’s Mill Road in Charlottesville. The Nimmo House was built in 1870 by carpenter and building contractor James D. Nimmo for his own family. Although modest […]
Lithic Construction featured in C-ville Abode article Nov 2007
Lithic Construction was featured in the C’ville Abode November 2007 Energy efficient healting and cooling article. related link: View full article (PDF)
Home Built by Lithic Construction featured in New Sustainable Homes – Designs for Healthy Living
A recent residence construction by Lithic has been featured in the book New Sustainable Homes – Designs for Healthy Living by James Grayson Trulove and published by Collins Design, an imprint of Harper Collins. James Grayson Trulove is an author and editor of books on the subjects of architecture, landscape design and garden design. The […]